You do interviews on your podcast. It’s what you do and what you have done for as long as you’ve been podcasting.
Let’s present the question – What would happen if you had guests on only 50% of the time. Or maybe even 25%?
If you’re like a lot of people I bet you would feel like things would go downhill. Your downloads might drop in half. Or suddenly things don’t grow. People become bored. And everything falls apart because you don’t have amazing guests.
So let’s run the scenario…
You can’t get a guest. You’re completely behind on your shows and you have to get something out tomorrow.
So you turn on the mic, jot down some talking points, and have a conversation with yourself or your co-host.
No BS. Just have a straight conversation on something relevant to your audience.
Send it off to your producer for post production.
And it’s published the next day.
This is what I can tell you from experience…
You’re probably going to get the same results as you typically do.
In fact your downloads might grow.
One of the clients here at Just Hit Publish, Ecommerce Influence started doing this recently. They started having really honest candid conversations about what was going on in their business and their clients.
It honestly, was a pretty radical difference from what they had been doing. But it was some of the best content and most helpful engaging stuff I had ever heard.
And something happened. Their downloads started to go up.
It’s probably something you wouldn’t guess:
Honest conversations between the host > CEO’s of massive ecommerce companies
And here’s the reason why. People are honestly looking for candid conversations from the hosts. If there is something real there that they can grab on to while also getting some education. You’re going to get your audience engaged.
Because the one thing you have… (if you have an interview show)
is YOU.
So when you really get out from behind the interview chair and reveal yourself a bit people are interested. They want to see who you are and what you stand for and believe.
And if they like what they hear… They’ll stick with you and your show far more than any interview show.
The biggest thing is you have to be YOU. Because that’s one of the primary things that sets your podcast apart.
If you’ve fallen in the trap of chasing guest after guest hopefully this has given you the inspiration to get our of your ordinary and try to create something more engaging and entertaining for your audience.